Wages & Wellbeing 2024: The Current Wage Landscape – Struggles & Solutions for American Workers

As part of our Wages & Wellbeing study results, in this first post in a 5-part series we examine the current wage landscape facing American workers today.

The Strategic Importance of Pay Frequency: Insights from the 2024 Wages & Wellbeing Study

Unlock employee engagement and retention by offering same-day pay. Learn how pay frequency can be a game-changer for your workforce with our latest insights.

The Psychological Benefits of Earned Wage Access

Earned wage access can play a critical role in improving the mental health of Generation Z and Millennial employees, through financial freedom and more.

The Intersection of Technology and Finance: Innovations in Earned Wage Access Platforms

Emerging technology is driving the earned wage access space forward, offering financial options outside the traditional two-week pay cycle, for employees that need it.

Exploring the Link Between EWA and Employee Retention

Discover how earned wage access can play a role in improving employee financial well-being, and significantly impacting employee retention rates.

Embracing Pay Optionality for a Modern Workforce

Discover how integrating earned wage access into your benefits portfolio fosters engagement, attracts top talent, and promotes responsible financial habits.

Non-Traditional Methods to Financial Education

Discover how integrating earned wage access into your benefits portfolio fosters engagement, attracts top talent, and promotes responsible financial habits.

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